Monday, May 27, 2013

It's nerd day for me...nothing new... Move along people

Ugh!!! You think that being in a refugee camp is bad enough. It only gets worse as time passes on. Your supplies start to run out. People start stealing from other people. The old and the weak lose hope that help will come. They look for help and are turned away. 

People walking out of the area eventually return stating they were blocked at the border with guns. These are supposed to be our people. ONE NATION. Not a third world country! WHERE IS THE HELP?What's going on?  Here's what's happening in and mourned camp...

1. Running out of hygienic supplies. 
         •Toilet paper, paper towels, seat     
            covers are gone.  People have 
            urine and feces on their hands 
            now from cleaning up. 
         •Soap, detergent, shampoo,     
            toothpaste, deodorant are gone 
            too. There's just no way to wash 
            away the crap! 
         •Feminine napkins, tampons and 
            diapers are GONE. it's a mess 
            too. Everywhere you go women 
            are dripping red and babies go 
            bare bottom. 

2. Running out of food! 
         •Not everyone came prepared! 
           Some idiot came with an apple 
           pie and said that was all he 
           needed. Of like to know what 
           happened to him now. 
         •Not enough food was brought. 
         •The wrong types of foods were 
           brought: potato chips, pretzels, 
           beer. No canned foods. No H2O!
        •They forgot the can opener! Omg!

So basically we are 
Pooping without wiping or washing. 

Eating without washing.

Stinking without deodorant. 

Stinking without detergent. 

Starving without food. 
Dehydrating without water. 
We are losing our moral compass. 



Friday, May 17, 2013

Lost a Cup

I should've paid more attention to the cups and plates I got for my GO BAG! I couldn't afford metal/aluminum settings do I had to settle for plastic settings from the dollar store. Everyone knows that whatever you buy at the dollar store is not meant to last a long time. I know that, but I didn't have the money to buy a long lasting camping gear. 

So, what happened? My cheap plastic cup with handle and lid broke. Unbelievable. First, the rubber lining for the lid gets warped. Because of that the lid won't close all the way. A portion sticks up. Well today I filled up my cup and tried to put the lid on while holding the cup handle. Well while twisting the lid side to side the handle broke off. It broke off. It F-N broke off! That cup is a total waste now. What do I do now? Trade? Beg? Buy? Steal? No one has a spare cup! It's a good thing the cup came as a pair. 

I'm just disgusted with myself. What other bad decisions did I make because I didn't have the money? How long will my utensils last? My bowls? My pot and pan? Not very long I'm afraid. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sewing... Ah crap!

I've been sewing a bit to stay calm and be busy. My sewing kit is from the discount store. I purposely put in a simple pattern and the cloth needed to complete the project. Along with the simple adornments. It's not much. I had already done a similar project before at home. I like to sew, but, I should have known better than to use discount store supplies! 

My needle threader broke on me! I have used the needle threader half a dozen times without any problems. It's a cheap thing! Definitely not worth it's weight in gold! Not even worth it's weight in tin or aluminum. 

The little plastic box that holds the buttons, needles, safety pins, etc... That's cheap as well. I can't tell you how many times it's popped open on me and everything has spilled out. Pins, needles, buttons all flying left of the tent, right of the fire, over a plate, under a bush; you name it. I had to search everywhere to find my complete sewing kit. My neighbors started laughing at me. "Just give it up. You'll never find those things. Here have a drink with us." One person helped me. She found A BUTTON, laughed at the embarrassment of it all and walked away. 

I looked in my tent, under my tent, near the fire, in the neighbors camps (left and right). I looked under bushes, on flowers, in shoes, in my neighbors shoes! I finally found my sewing kit items--for the most part. The next day I found a button while dumpin the dirty water. It glittered in the mud. 

I'm still missing a few pieces. I had to start a new needle and thread to continue my project. It wasn't easy trying to poke a thread in the very thin eye of the needle! I miss my threader!  As crappy as it was I didn't spend five minutes poking and missing the eye of he needle. Lick the thread, introduce it to the needle. The thread veers left. Lick the thread again, introduce it AGAIN to the needle, it veers right. One more time only to find myself cross-eyed! I look far away and things are blurry for a moment as my eye muscles adjust again. 

Sewing has taken the place of my hand held electronic device. It's a fine motor skill. It keeps my eyes very close to the medium. It gives me simple joy. However, I do miss getting information at the touch of my fingers.  That's a topic for another day. 

P. S. 

Two days later I finally found the needle with the biggest eye.