Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Great Debate

There's a debate going on as to whether we should grow our food individually, or collectively. Pros and cons have been thrown about. 

Many believe growing the food collectively will help the population in total. Having a set group of people watching the animals will free people up to do their things, such as building shelters. 

Others believe they are giving up their independence if they turn in their animals.  Also a belief that the set farmers will eat more than them has been stated. 

Two meetings later…

An agreement has been made. Each person will give up as a community tax one animal after the next generation is hatched or born. A set if people who already have that set of animals will rotate to take care of the farm. Those with chickens will be the first to pay their taxes. Those with cows and goats will pay later. And so it starts. 

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