Sunday, June 28, 2015

News paper home and garden

     This section of the newspaper deals with how to garden or homestead. Topics include from the HOW TO's:
• homestead 
• partner plant 
• use epsolm salt as fertilizer 
• dehydrate fruits and vegetables 
• can fruits and vegetables 
• care and feed domesticated animals 

Canned Food Alliance 
     This organization has always talked about the importance of canned foods. 
• "One can a meal" for regular meals
• "Two cans a day for emergency situations (2012) minimum. 
• one meal must be well balanced
• recipes were added. 
     They added a planning guide for the emergency situation. Oh and "don't forget your manual can opener"

     Also included were meal plans for infants, children, and adults. It's taken from day care for all ages.

Newspaper state/city laws

     Straight out of that survival book, "half past midnight"? The rules stated in this section were law. No ifs, ands, or buts. A martial law has been in place for months now. No arguing with law enforcement. No this, no that. 

     Apparently a lottery has been given out nationwide. Everyday numbers are chosen for people to pack up and leave by transport. 

     Just like airlines, size restrictions have been given for transport. One carry-on case per person.  No carrying case?, then a backpack is fine. After all they still need to carry their trash bin of belongings. 

     Weapons are mentioned. Guns are not allowed. Neither are hunting knives. What??? Poisons are not allowed. Prescribed medicines and OTCs are allowed. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Trading post 6.27.15

     This week Toni and I went to get our groceries from the trading post. We traded in eggs, milk, and queso blanco. We got good credit on the white cheese. 

As usual we each claimed three cans of condensed soup. They had cans of mixed vegetables today!! We each got a can. We got two bottles of a commercial sports drinks. Then we each got a can of a different vegetables. I got potatoes, while she got sweet potatoes. We then got a can of fruit each; grapefruit and fruit cocktail. 

     When we traded our dairy and eggs we got flour, sugar, and salt.  We also got 1 lb of beans and 1 lb of rice. Now we can make our own oral rehydration drinks. With the flour and sugar I'm gonna bake this week! I'll definitely make tortillas. Maybe I'll bake a cake. Maybe I'll make a custard. Do I have all the ingredients? 

From website about military rations during WWI and WWII. Not mine. 

Mr. And Mrs. Paracord refugees

     Today I saw Mr. And Mrs. Paracord arriving with their things. They had all kinds of accessories made from paracord. Both wore paracord bracelets with compasses on one wrist. Another paracord bracelet had shiny items in it. I couldn't tell what it was until I got a closer look. Fishing equipment.  Both wore paracord anklets on both feet. Both wore paracord headcovers on their heads. He wore a skull cap--or yarmulke. She wore a snood on her head. 

     One more item. Both had paracord "hand towels" hanging off their waist. 

     I found this on 7.17.15. Canida gave me the idea for this essay v

How about a fishing lure with paracord.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Trading post 6.26.15

     Three things Toni and I did at the trading post. We got food rations. We got our clothing rations. Finally, we got our trade credits filled out. 

     At the trading post this week I got my usual food. Similar to last week I rounded out my 50 credits this way. 3 cans soup, 1 can tomatoes, 1 can peas. Toni filled out her 50 credits this way. 3 cans soup, 1 can grapefruit, 1 can peaches. 

Then I picked my next allotment of clothing. My last choice was the men's utility kilt. It has a variety of uses. I enjoy it as a blanket myself. Last month Toni picked a jumper utility. She won't get anything this month. 

     Anyway, my new clothing is another kilt as well.  Last month it was navy blue. Today it's brown. I tried to get the same color, again. They didn't have navy blue in stock, by the time I got there. This one should work better as a bedding. 

     Finally, Toni and I brought milk and eggs in to trade. We actually turned them in first before we stepped in to the store. This way we had a voucher stating how much credit we got for our trade able food items. 
     We earned extra credit/rations for trading. We decided to share what we got today with our milk and eggs. With the store credit we were able to buy acetaminophen, 500 mg, 100 tablets. When we got back we counted and divided evenly our medicine. First, of course, always wash our hands. We got the water basin out, along with the soap. "Don't touch that til you wash your hands."  We both washed and dried our hands at the same basin. 

      Other things we bought: an old newspaper, shoe strings, yarn, and toothpaste tubes.

     The newspaper isn't even worth a quarter at home. Here it's entertainment, hygiene, and tinder, respectively. We enjoyed reading the newspaper. We both read it so many times. The financial section is used as tinder or toilet paper, first, since we never made a dollar from the stock market. We made sure to keep the comics. The rest of the newspaper awaits to be used up in due time. 

     We were so in need of new shoe strings. One package of two is enough. One for me one for Toni. We're going to need new soles for the shoes soon, too. Gotta start looking around for the village cobbler. 

     My yarn! I sit out front and let people see that I know how to knit certain items. They'll come to me and ask me to make a trade. "Do you know how to knit socks?...hats?....dress?....scarf?....blankets?"  I'll answer with, "sure, whatcha  got to trade with?" " any baby cloth diapers?....unexpired canned meat?....unexpired canned food?....yarn to make your project?" They have to supply the yarn, not me.  Everyone can only get so much material from the trading post.  So I make an existence knitting. 

     Finally I got a tube of toothpaste.  We had run out of it some time ago. Everyone did. I tried to brush one day with snd one day without. Eventually the tube ran out completely. Even when I spliced it open to get the last of the paste. These past few weeks I've been brushing my teeth without toothpaste. I simply take my toothbrush out of it's battered plastic pouch and brush my teeth and gums. One time someone traded me some mouthwash (travel size) I was in heaven! Minty breath and no cotton mouth. That ended after a while. I got it to last 3- almost- 4 days. Then it was no minty breath and no cotton mouth. But today we celebrate having toothpaste again! 

     Where's that financial page? Good night. 

From newspaper circa WWII. 

In the news this week... 6.26.15

     The newspaper from our old lives, may be dated, but it's still new to us. The comics reflect on the natural disasters we are having. In the tv/radio/podcast listing a lot of psa shows have been made to alert the general public about preparing for a bug out. 

Home and Garden 

     The home and garden section discusses how to garden for the newbies. How to pair certain vegetables to get the best quality. Recipes are shown for "complete meals on less food". Reminds me of all the psa's from WWII and making your food last longer. I used to love watching those WWII ration films. Now I'm living it. 

Automotive >>> Hardware 

     In this section it's everything low tech.  How to properly use tools. How to make a solar oven. How to make a wagon or cart in wheels. Or how to attach a trailer to a bike. How to work efficiently without injury. Pretty good articles. 


     Discusses the laws, policies, and requirements by citizens and residents. Attaining land in the new territory. 

     Write ups are on people being transported. What to do if you're separated and when you can expect to be transported to here. 

Sports >>> Camping

     Here they give tips on fire starting. They have step by step pictures on how to set up camp and the tent. They reference the Boy Scouts manual, and the military manual. 

Religion and Philosophy 

     This section I'm my hometown newspaper always had articles and advertisements from various churches, temples, synagogues, etc... Well, now they have prayers and sermons for parishioners who have been removed. They've included chapters and verses from various Holy Books to help long distance parishioners fortify their spiritual life. 


     Still discuses the weather, in all it's extremism. How to survive the extreme weather back home and here. It leads in to the fashion section by guiding people on what to wear at home and here. 

Maybe I will hang on to this news paper a bit longer. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

My Crappy Novel is crap

I admit to taking ideas from other writers. I don't know if this is actual plagiarism or not. I take a scene and modify it to my story. I haven't made one scent off my crappy novel fanfic. I doubt I will make a penny off my crappy novel. All rights reserved to previous owners of ideas. 

You may message me if you have any issues. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Trading Post pt. 2

     The trading post has brought in utility clothes for people. A lot of pockets and Velcro. A minimum amount of cloth was used. It looks like prison garb!, except for the color. Two choices of color were given; navy blue, or brown. 
Utility jumper, shirts, pants, and kilts. The kilts go below the knees at calf length. 

     Not one chic or leisure outfit.  Surprisingly many men have taken a utility kilt for health reasons. Many women appreciate the kilt, as well. Considering how long it is on the men, it's even longer on us women. We are only allowed one piece of clothing per month! The extra length of the kilt is often trimmed off to use for something else, such as a hankie, or scarf.  We women  agree that the kilt gives us a touch of femininity. 

    Figure out what you want.

    Since you can only get one piece of clothing, per person, per month, then you need to prioritize what's important. What can you mend best? What can't be mended anymore? Or should you just get the jumper now? While the top, the kilt and the pants all count as one clothing item, the jumper counts for two items. If you get a jumper you can't get another clothing item for two months! 

P. S. 

I want to know whose idea it was to use wool! for the utility clothes. Itchy and hot! Damnit!!! 

WWII clothing rations. Not mine. Got it off the internet. Copyright on lower right of picture. 

Trading post pt 1

The Trading Post 

     Today I started out early to the trading post. I took my shopping basket, ration card, walking/self defense stick, and a group of allied neighbors who will watch each other's backs. Once or twice I had to veer away from a strange person or two. My group was quick to defend me from those pesky human blood suckers. 

"Please, can you spare a morsel?" "Please, a slice of bread." Most intriguing; "How much?" "How much for what?" "Do I have to spell it out? It's not illegal anymore." "Get away!" 

     Then my allies came and started hitting them with anything they had. I used my walking stick, keeping my basket close to me. My ration card is deeply hidden in my bra pocket. I wasn't too worried about that. Still, if they had gotten my rations, I wouldn't survive past a week. My card doesn't leave my presence. 

     At the trading post I tried to use my rations to the best of my abilities. 

50 credits maximum. 

1.  Spinach 11 credits 

2. Grapefruit 10 credits 

3. 2-cans, condensed  of soup 12 credits total 

4. Asparagus 14 credits 

5. Green Beans 14 credits 

1 credit left over 

     We can't take more than 3 cans of soup. Found that out when a couple tried to take 6 cans at once. They tried to leave with them, no matter what!    The situation was bit fearful at first. I thought they'd put up a fight and start a riot. 
The authorities surrounded them.  Their names were taken down. They were given half credit this week. Next week, they'll get their full 50 credits again. Next time, they'll be banned for a week. Anyone trying to buy them groceries will also be placed on the list. 

     The authorities have put out signs everywhere stating what is and is Not Allowed. Along with the "law policies" were warnings of penalties. I think that's what shut them up quickly. 

     P. S. 

     Very soon clothing will be coming soon. They'll be taking in community surplus as well. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Well Dressed Refugee Group

Well Dressed  Refugee Group

     A group of four came through the camp this week. What was unique about them? They were Very Well Dressed, as if going to a ball. The ladies had on 3 layers of toulle skirts over satin bodices and floor length skirts. They had on stockings and 4 inch heels which you could only see when they picked up their skirts to walk. Their dresses were matched by their gemmed clutch bags.  
     Each lady had on a crown with colored stones. One lady had a sash that stated, "Ms. Global Warming". The other lady's sash stated, "Ms. Climate Change". 

     The men had on tuxedoes complete with colored cumberbund. The cumberbund matched the color of the dress on the lady they were escorting. On their lapel was a matching boutonnière. Each man had on spotless dress shoes. Each man also had on a sash. Partnered with Ms. Global Warming was "Mr. Green House". Partnered with Ms. Climate Change was "Mr. Nuclear Winter". 

     Mr. Nuclear Winter took a pocket watch out of his coat pocket to check the time. Shiny time piece, it was. Beautiful. A piece of civilization. Everyone noticed it! Mr. Green House told him to put it away. 
 "Put that away. You're garnering unwanted attention from the crowd."  Then he smiled at the crowd. 

     Everyone talked about these four for days and days, weeks and weeks. We saw two of them one day at the trading post. They were wearing their new utility jumpers. They were also trading in their outfits for extra non-credits items. They really haggled with the man. 
"We don't have much use for dress up clothes." "Are you kidding me? They're worth $2,000!" They decided to keep their clothes and rent it out on special occasions. I can't wait to hear the follow up on this!!


Monday, June 8, 2015

The Camp Pitcher

The Camp Pitcher made from a 2qt sports bottle.    

     Let me tell you about my 2 Qt pitcher. It's not a traditional pitcher. It used to house the sports drink I bought in it. I have since finished the sports drink. It now houses plain water, powdered milk or flavored drinks such as, fruit punch, grape, or lemonade, respectively. 
     Occassionly I will make powdered milk and pour it in there.  Each night I make sure I have finished out the milk and wash out my camp pitcher. Then, following the directions I wrote down for each packet I'll divide the powdered mix for three quarts of milk into 1-qt each.   I pour in one-Qt dry powdered milk mix and a quart of water. After I put the lid on the bottle I shake the bottle until the bottle is FULLY dissolved. I'll shake it to the left; shake it to the right; shake it up and down. I'll even roll it to be sure. I'd hate to have a clump of dry mix in one section of the bottler. 

     Knowing when I need to bake bread, tortillas or add milk to my recipes I take a smaller bottle and pour a good mix in to it. From that smaller bottle I'll pour in the amount I need to bake bread, or make cream of some soup! 

     Always, I water down my milk after I have used the right amount as an ingredient in cooking or baking. I'll keep it in the shade or my make shift cellar.  

     Toni likes my pitcher. She wishes she had kept her 2 Qt bottles. She threw them away when she finished her drinks! Many a times she's asked to use my camp pitcher to make one of her drinks. However, when I let her use my camp pitcher she was very possessive of it.  
"Hey, can I borrow your sports bottle to make a drink? 
"Can you wash it? It's dirty."
"Are you drinking my drink?" She questioned after I poured myself a cup. 
"Here's your bottle back." She had given it back to me without washing it! 

     After that episode I never lent it to her again. She grumbled at my decision. She looks for my camp pitcher, sometimes. I can tell. She's looking for something, but won't tell me what it is. 

     It's her own fault for losing the PRIVILEGE of using my sports bottle. She's lazy, rude and obnoxious!   Now she realizes her mistake! But it's too late. She has to make do with her 1-pt. bottle. 

     Don't throw anything away that can be upcycled or recycled. Always trade what you no longer want or need, for what you do need. AND, Don't trash your roommate's stuff.  

P. S. 

And yet keep your place clean and neat! That's my problem! All the knick knacks add up to a mess. 

Re supplying

     Once a week the government drops off new refugees to our village. Along with the refugees they bring fresh supplies. Everyone selects one or two members of their party to go pick up supplies. Everyone that goes is allowed 50 credits worth of food! You go early so as not to lose all the "fine choices" they offer you. Late arrivals make do with "left over road kill." Some people who were sick one week thought they could double up the next week. Oh boy!, the riot that started. "It's 50 credits a week. No carrying over to the next week." That family started a fight that closed the supply area. Branches as heavy as bats were swung! Fists connected to faces and stomachs. Feet kicked knees, chins, stomachs, and backs!  The family was detained and held in "jail" for a while. The authorities went to their camp to see about any minors. The children stayed with the neighbor for two days. Then, the family came back, packed up, and moved to another part of the village. They didn't do it willingly, either. The authorities stayed with them the whole time they packed up. So the fighting family is Gone! 

     Up to 50 credits worth of food! You think it's a lot! It's not! It's really only a few days of regular meal rations you have to spread out over a week. Let's see; some things I've gotten before...

• a pint of fresh milk---that's the only size available! Save the bottle and cap! 
• a bunch of raw (fresh) carrots or squash 
• 1-lb. of rice
• 2 heads of cabbage 
• 1 bag of green peas 
• a loaf of bread or bag of tortillas (not chips)

Now, what I mentioned isn't what I got in one week. No. It's what I got over a months time.  That's how rationing here works. Everyone gets a rationing ID CARD. Everyone had to sign up and get their identification card after the vote for rationing was taken and passed. 


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Toni's second day; pt 4 dinner and laundry

     I'm not surprised Toni's appetite shrunk again. She didn't have such a "glamorous" day today. In fact, her afternoon activity and dinner prep didn't go as planned. It all started with the laundry. 

     With the amount of food and energy packed away from lunch she retrieved more water and began to wash her clothes. "Be careful how much soap you use." I advised her. "My clothes stink like hell!", she roared.  While she did her laundry, I did mine, as well. 

     I took a set of my clothes and put it in my wash bag. I put in low suds soap and water. I closed the bag tightly and began to rub the clothes in the bag. When I was done, I did a rinse. I hung up my clothes to dry. I was done. 

     Toni was still washing her clothes in a bucket. She had too much soap giving her too many suds. In the end she needed more water to rinse her clothes out. She decided to take her clothes to the river to rinse out. She came back later in a frenzy. "Don't tell me I can't rinse the soap out at the river! I'll do what I want, when I want, and how I want!"  People had followed her back to camp. This was not good. They had tried to explain to her where people did their laundry---in a section AWAY from the river. Not AT the river. AND NO PEEING IN THE RIVER. NO FLOATERS EITHER!

    It was reported back that Toni not only tried to rinse her clothes in the river, but used it as her personal toilet, as well. Er Ma Gerd!! Take her away. Someone take her to a new tent. 

     When the brouhaha died down, and the people left, I was left to have a serious talk with Toni. I gave her her only warning. After that she had to move on to her own property. Which, really, she should do soon! 

     That didn't mark the end of Toni's day. She still had to have dinner. She had to make her own dinner and clean up. 
      Remembering the mess from earlier, Toni's dinner was much, much lighter than lunch. For dinner she had a packet of oatmeal with water. She cooked the oatmeal in the pot. That meant she had to wash her pot. She should have boiled the water in the pot, put the oatmeal in her bowl, and poured the hot water into her bowl.  Then, let the oats cook in hot water for three minutes. Well, I don't care. "It don't matter to me." As the saying goes. It ended up mattering to her. 

     She had to find dish washing detergent to wash her pot. She had washed her pot with industrial soap that left a chemical taste in her mouth. After washing her pot, she boiled water for coffee. She noticed a strange smell, but didn't say or do anything about it. After the water boiled she poured it in her mug. She added the coffee mix to her water and stirred. She put the mug to her lips, blew the coffee cool, and took a sip. Immediately, she spit it out! "What the hell? This tastes like soap!! This is shit!", and she threw out her coffee and boiled water. 

     She looked in her wheeled bin for dish washing detergent. She took out a lot of her equipment before she could get to her 12 fl oz dish washing detergent. Then it was time to put her equipment back. Back went the toiletries, the gardening and construction tools, and the books. Back went her nuts, bolts, and screws. Back went her knick knacks. Back went her groceries!  Everything went back into her wheeled bin. She never looked at her bin again! 

     After she washed her pot and mess kit she finally made herself her cup of coffee. Relaxing, she went to sleep early at night fall. scrubba wash bag (th) (c)

Toni's second day; pt3 her luncheon

     After breakfast, Toni waited for lunch!  Well, really, she was tired from walking to the river and getting two buckets of water so she could have her bath. When her bath was done and she had changed into her last set of clean clothes, I sat down with her and talked about the importance of clean, safe water for daily use. When that was done she lay down and took a nap. She woke up to me eating my lunch. Remember the second egg I had hidden? I cooked and ate it. I boiled 2 oz of rice to complete the Cuban poorman's meal. 

     Toni wanted to know what was for lunch. "What'd ya make us for lunch?", she rudely asked. "I'm eating a poorman's Cuban meal. What are You making Yourself?", I pointedly stated.  "What? You didn't make me anything? How rude!" On and on she droned. 

     When it dawned on her I had finished my lunch and washed up, Toni looked to her pack to see what she could make for lunch. She took out her mess kit and sloppily made too much food for one person in one setting at this time and place.  

1 whole 7-oz wet pack of corn. 
6 broken crackers from the table cracker sleeve. 
1-4 oz. can of chicken. 
1-2 oz pack of pasta shells. 
1 packet of coffee, again. 

She made herself a casserole that took too many dishes to store. She just about ate the whole thing within 5 minutes of serving her food. "Toni, you have to pace yourself. Everyone is still on rations. No one's garden has come in to eat as much as you did just now." I continued to tell her, "Everyone one is waiting and praying for their fresh vegetables to grow, their fruit trees to bear fruit, and their live stock to multiply." 

     After she digested her meal, she took her buckets and got more water at the river. This time she boiled and treated the water before she used it. She took out her five seed packets and asked me for my opinion on her garden. "Did you get any more when they picked you up? You need to economize. You can't snack throughout the day because 'there's nothing to do' or you're a nervous eater'.  You'll run out of food, seeds and live stock. Milk your goat. Learn to make goats cheese. Trade your skill for food.

     "Five packets of seeds are a start. How many seeds are in them? Are they heirloom seeds? Will they grow true? Read the back panels on your packets. Choose the packet closest to our weather and environment."  (Easier said than done. The packets we got were for cold weather. Here we are in a warm area.) Other than that, she'd do better to ask a pro. I told her about the workshops the community put together. I think it went in one ear and out the next. I don't know. Time will tell. 

Toni's second day: her stuff pt 6

Here is the breakdown for Toni's items 

Groceries 1-20 heavy on the protein! Light on carbs and starches. Where's the fruit and veggies? 
• 2 cans wieners 
• 2 cans wieners 
• 1 can chicken
• 1 can chicken 
• 1 can chicken 
• 1 can ham xl
• 1 can ham xl
• 1 can spam xl
• 1 can spam xl
• 1 can beef chunks 
• 1 lb. white rice 
• 1 lb. brown rice
• 1 lb. wild rice
• 1 lb. spaghetti 
•  2 lbs. elbow pasta 
•  2 lbs. lentils 
  2 lbs. black beans 
•  2 lbs. kidney beans 
4 cans of mixed vegetables 
3 dz paks fruit (pears, cocktail, mango)

She did better than me!!!

Housewares 1-10 
• 3-pak bowls
• 3-pak tumblers
• 3-pak plates 
     All plastic!
• Towel 
• 4-paks sporks
• 4-paks knives 
     All metal w resin cover
• 20-pak votive candles 
• pitcher 
• 2-pak serving spoon/fork
• 4-pak containers

Hygiene 1-10
• pads aka feminine napkins 
• 2-pak soap
• 5-pak toothbrushes and 1 toothpaste 
• 2-pak toothpaste 
• brush, comb, mirror set--very cheap combo 
• medicinal mouthwash, 16 oz. 
• 3-pak towels 
• shampoo 
• conditioner 
• body wash 

Clothes 1-10 
• 2-pak undies
• 1-sports bra 
• 2-pair mismatched socks! 
• Tank top 
• Short sleeve Tee
• Long sleeve polo 
• A pair of red crocs 
• A pair of shorts
• A pair of pants 
• A pair of leggings 

Tools 1-10

Education/Culture 1-10
Really? A lot of gambling! 

Recreation/Entertainment 1-10
Still a lot of gambling 

Gardening 1-10 
• Hoe 
• Shovel 
• Solar light 
• Trellis pole 
• Seeds squash 
• Seeds carrots 
• Seeds tomatoes 
• Seeds radishes 
• Seeds cucumbers 
• trellis pole 

Domestic furniture 
• Children's TV tray 
• Bucket! 
• Bucket 
• Camping chair 
• Sleeping bag 
• A yoga mat used as bed roll under the sleeping bag
• Tiki torch with oil 
• Pot 
Better than me! 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Music Man

     A music man passed through here. He gave a short concert to paying customers. He'd invite people to pay him for a song to play. He'd move the paying party a little way from the crowd and play for them, solely. Eventually, people wanted to hear more music themselves. People offered to pay him in single cans of food. A group got together and each person paid one can of food, or such. They got him to play for them all at the same time. He agreed since they paid him all together. No one else was allowed to hear his concert. When he finished his concert he left for his new home. 

     Single cans were worth two songs. Double size can was worth two songs for three or four people, or four or five songs for two person. One mother fed him a meal. Her whole family got a personal concert for 30 minutes. And so Mr. Music Man came and left our camp site. Occasionally he would show up again. He would bring a friend to watch his back. Too many times someone would try to steal what he earned. 


(All right reserved to original motion picture of The Music Man)

My "Blind" Neighbor Paul

     Our neighbor, Paul, arrived a day after Toni. He stopped to rest with us for a bit, but kept moving on to his family. His family is on the other side of the river. Good luck. He has to cross at the narrow end. That's about two miles from us. 

     Paul was clueless to everything going on around him. People tried to open his eyes. He just kept them shut. He didn't want to see people were freezing to death in a city that, normally, never dipped below 30•F, on it's coldest night! He wanted to believe people just left without saying "good-bye".  He just thought people were rude for doing that and never wanted to talk about them again. Blind sheeple. 

     The day his mom disappeared was a big awakening, and a struggle for him. He kept asking why his mom left him? His dad told him she had been taken. He turned on his dad and blamed him! He states his mom left his dad and not him.  He walked away from his dad and never returned. His dad had thought he had been taken, too. The day he walked out on his dad he had the clothes on his back, his toothbrush, hairbrush, and snacks in his messenger bag. When he got picked up by the government he was in bad shape.  He didn't have much on him for survival. 

     The following was what Paul had on him at the time of his pick up. 

His undershirt and underpants (ripped up). 
His t-shirt, sweater and jacket. 
His pants and his long john bottoms (No long john top). 
His two layers of socks. 
His boots. 
His handkerchief. 

That's all. He was given two changes of clothes. 
Two tops
Two bottoms 
2-pack briefs 
2-pack under shirt
2-pack socks 
An Ugly pair of red plastic clogs
1 hat/du-rag 

Paul didn't carry much in his messenger bag. 

Toothbrush (in case he got lucky)
Hairbrush (the morning after)
(That's it!)

He was given the following:
2-pack soap 
Toothbrush (which he refused!)
2-pack of toothpaste. ("I only need one." He told them)
5-pack of combs (once again, "I don't need all those combs. I have a brush.")
Medicinal mouthwash ("yuck!")
(Still in denial)

What did he have for snacks? 
12 energy bars (he likes them!)
3 jerky sticks (his dad put them in his bag one day he wasn't looking) 
1 bottle of water. 
2 packs of breath mints! 

He didn't have much here. He had one book and an adult pleasure magazine. 

1-anthology book on short stories 
1-well-slobbered over, Porn magazine 

2 band aids (no kit)
1 travel kit of aspirin 

Camping gear
Zip. Zero. Nada. 

He was given a pop up shelter for one person.  He was given a mess kit set: a bowl, a mug, a spork with knife combo. 

Homesteading/Animal Husbandry

He made such an impression on them they gave him one chicken. That's it. No rooster. He refused it!  He had no time for a chicken since he's going to school. He gave me his chicken! I told him to see me again after he found his parents.  Maybe they'll get his chicken back. 

P. S. 

It took a week but Paul came back with his dad. They picked up his chicken, and a few other things he left around. Toni wanted payment for housing the chicken. After all, he did give it to me. I said the egg it laid was payment enough. In the end, Paul's dad gave us one can of meat. I took it and hid it immediately when no one was looking. Paul's dad realizes his son is not well. Hopefully, now that he's with his parents again, he'll slowly get better.  

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Toni's animal husbandry

     My roommate, Toni was given a goat and her foal(?)--kid.  Already we have felt their presence. They are constantly chewing, and chewing, and chewing. When I realized they had gotten into the tent I yelled at Toni to get her beasts out of my stuff! They can't help but chew! So!, chew the grass OUTSIDE! Coral them!, drive a stake in the ground and tie them to it! Something! Keep them away from our things! 

     Because the mama goat had a kid she is lactating. Interesting goats milk, Toni!  The goats had been named and tagged by the government. Mama goat is registered as  Carmen; her son,  Sandiego. 

     Toni was given a pamphlet on the care and feeding of goats. She had better read up in it! I've already milked the goat once or twice. Where do we store the milk? Or sell the milk! I can see that. But Toni is responsible for her goat. She needs to milk it! 

     I tethered the mama goat to a stake in the grass far from the tent. The kid stays close to his mom. When he starts to stray he'll get tethered too.  

     Now where is that pamphlet on goats? 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Toni's second day; pt 2 the bath

     After Toni finished breakfast, she desperately wanted a bath. She had been walking a few days. Her breakfast calmed her down and the sobs stopped. Now she was able to focus on personal hygiene. 
     I talked to her about the use of her buckets. A bucket for bathing, a bucket for washing her clothes, a bucket for washing her hands and dishes. But especially, a bucket for carrying water from the river. She didn't see it the same way. She only had two buckets. Bucket one, for carrying her water. Bucket two, for everything else! Good luck staying healthy! Don't get sick on my side. 

     I showed Toni where to get water from the  river. She took both her buckets, in hand. Should be fun for her to walk back with heavy buckets (sarcasm). 

     Toni just returned from the river. She lost water on the way back from the river. The buckets kept wobbling on her.  They'd tip over and splash out water. She left the river with two full buckets. Then she realized she had to dump a bunch back to the river. Water is heavy at seven pounds a gallon. Her city slicker arms couldn't carry that much water. She ended up with a full bucket of water in two buckets. 

     And then, she used it all up in a bath. "But, I needed that bath!" When she finished, she dumped the water! Didn't even stop to think maybe the water could have been used for something else!:  like washing clothes!, she still needs to wash her clothes!!


Monday, June 1, 2015

Toni's second day pt 1 breakfast

     OMG! Er Ma Gerd! She slept in late. That's to be expected after that long trek. When she woke up, she was exhausted. After that she fell apart. 

"Any coffee?", she asked as she stumbled out of her sleeping area. 

"What's for breakfast?" 
"Where's the bathroom?" 
"Where's my stuff?"

     "Good morning, Toni. The outhouse is outside to the right. There's hot water in the pot; just add coffee. Your stuff is next to your sleeping area. Breakfast isn't ready yet."

"What's for breakfast?", she asked me. 
"Whatever you make for yourself." I answered. 

     "That outhouse stinks like shit!", declared my roommate as she stomped back to the tent. "Coffee. Coffee!! I need my damn coffee! I can't believe they sent us to this shithole!" And on she went... 

     "I'm sweaty! I'm sticky!  This place is shit!!! I feel like shit! I want a bath (sobs)! What do I have to do to get a bath?" Then she broke down crying. 

     I showed Toni where her stuff was. I told her to break out a coffee packet and whatever ingredients she'd like for breakfast. She found her backpack. After rummaging for one, two minutes she took out one coffee packet that already included cream, as well as one flavored oatmeal packet. Hey, at least she kept it to food that only needed boiled water to cook it. 

     She took out her mess kit to have her breakfast. I poured hot water into her cup and bowl. She added the coffee to her cup and stirred. Holding the hot beverage in both hands, she inhaled the aroma of her creamy, instant coffee. The measured-in-and-out movement of her lungs helped her to calm down. The aroma and caffeine helping to ease the tension in her head, neck and shoulders. 

     Half way through her coffee Toni moved her attention to her oatmeal. She wanted to toss her cooled water out, but I warned her there was no running water here. "And that's another fucking thing here!" And off she went, again. She drank her coffee. I took her cup and bowl. I transferred a bit of the water to her cup to rinse it out. I convinced her to drink the rest. Nothing gets wasted here. 

     "Do you still want oatmeal?  I have an egg I can Share with you."  When I said that she pounced on me. "Where are the eggs? I want mine sunny-side up!", she exclaimed, turning over the pantry in the tent. She still hadn't adjusted to life without fast food or a refrigerator. 

     I went to a stand where I house my two eggs a day. I took one out and gave it to her. Realizing I wouldn't cook it for her, she took her mess kit and prepped her "sunnyside-up" egg.

     She took her pan and sprayed cooking oil on it. She cracked the egg into the pan and started cooking it over the fire. She added spices! Of all things. I don't know where she carried it, but she has one all-purpose seasoning spice. As the egg fried in her pan she thought about what else she could eat. She reconsidered her oatmeal. She drank the last water in her bowl. She ripped open the packet of her still-waiting, flavored oatmeal, pouring it into her bowl. She added just enough hot water to be able to cook the oatmeal in the bowl. She balanced her time between letting the oatmeal boil, and not burning the egg. 

     When her egg was done she took the pan off the fire and transferred her cooked egg to the bowl. Interesting combination. Flavored oatmeal and sunnyside-up egg. Sporking the food in her mouth, Toni occasionally made a face as she swallowed her breakfast. She washed it down with boiled, aerated water.