The entertainment section of the newspaper is including many short stories and pictures to go with them. There are many nursery rhymes for parents to read to their children, now that cell phones don't work. There are word searches, crossword puzzles, and Sudoku puzzles (I hate those).
They have pictures of glamorous entertainers, sports athletes, etc... Sending messages of encouragement.
I hide this section from the light so I can continue to read it, again and again, later on. I enjoy reading the nursery rhymes and short stories. And I definitely enjoy the hunky men in the photos.
They have a combination of classic and neo nursery rhymes.
They have pictures of glamorous entertainers, sports athletes, etc... Sending messages of encouragement.
I hide this section from the light so I can continue to read it, again and again, later on. I enjoy reading the nursery rhymes and short stories. And I definitely enjoy the hunky men in the photos.
They have a combination of classic and neo nursery rhymes.
They were able to fit in six nursery rhymes.
• Wash on Monday
• One Potato, Two Potatoes (full lyrics)
• Brush, Brush, Brush Your Teeth (new to me)
• For Loss of a Nail (planning ahead, IMHO)
• Hand Washing Song