Monday, March 17, 2014

Homemade lunch bags and snack bags

Games and toys

Games and toys are hard to find now. 

People have been throwing away bottles and caps without realizing they'll still need them. Well, what I did was take the bottle caps, 10 in all; 1/2 I taped circles and 1/2 I taped (X) on them. I found an empty box of oatmeal and cut out a travel size game board from it. With the same tape I made tic-tac-toe rows. When close friends come by I offer a friendly game. My friends have taken to making homemade games, now, too. 

One friend made a game out of shells and/or rocks. Basically she made Chinese jacks. She already had the ball. She was simply missing the jacks. 

We keep our games out of sight. We made them. They're ours to use and share as we like.