Tuesday, August 5, 2014

You Wore My What? Eewww!

     Apparently Toni wore one of my brief panties over her panties to give it a "smooth" look. She did not, however, wear one of my bras over hers! 
     I found out within a day or two after Toni arrived and recuperated. My extra change of clothes was in a corner in a bag, in my tent. When I went to look at my clothes I found a pair of  paisley panties. I remembered having a pair just like it. I looked in the tag and found it was my size! Eew! She wore my underwear! Outerwear is one thing, underwear is quite another. I dunno if I want to wear that now. It's gonna take extra wash and a time to forget before I wear that. 

Me: Toni, whose panties are these?
Toni:  Oh yeah; forgot to tell ya I wore your underwear. 
Me: (giving a grimace and a scowl) "eew."
Toni: "Gimme a break! Ya got an extra pair of underwear! You're welcome!"
Me: "It's still gross." Scowling, I said "thanks a lot"

Toni's Food from home

     When Toni realized pick ups were being done she started collecting food for travel. She realized the packets had to be light but sturdy. A lot of her packets were kept in either quart or gallon bags. She made sure to secure them with masking tape over the seal.  She even labeled the food in the bags.  She originally wanted to sort them into meals ready to eat. Unfortunately she realized she was running out of time, so, she simply placed the packaged foods together by their own group.

     In one group she had oatmeal, in another group she had instant breakfast powder, still another she had powdered milk.  Those last two bags were kept together.  She had powdered drinks, cereal bars, energy bars(yuck), and Mac and cheese! Oh it's been a long time since I ate macaroni and cheese. Sigh, comfort food!  Jerky! She had jerky with her; beef, teriyaki chicken, bacon! It's meant to be eaten 2 oz at a time. If you reconstitute it (wet it) the jerky gets softer.  You can mix it in with the Mac and cheese or oatmeal! 

     What else did she have? She had various foods in wet and dry pouches. She had corn, chicken, pasta, rice, soup and tomato paste to start with! She had them all fit in her backpack! What didn't fit n her backpack she put in her pockets. Then, on top of that, she taped a few items to her body. She really wanted to make sure she had food to survive on for a long time. She didn't know what to expect when she got picked up. The food in the bag was meant to last between 1-2 weeks. Maybe longer if she went on an extreme diet.