Friday, April 19, 2013

Cooling Down

How do you cool down when there is no electricity? No electricity; no air conditioning... Way back when our ancestors used fans, individual hand fans were seen on the hands of DoƱas, and southern ladies alike. Servants and slaves were made to fan their masters, mistresses, and bosses, during the day. They would be the ones to fetch the water. When it was time they drew a bath for them as well.

Well, I don't have servants, and I definitely don't have slaves. I have to draw my own water or pay/trade someone to do it for me. I have made a personal fan to cool myself with. If only there were electricity or even a pool. There is no pool here at our campsite. There is no lake, nor a creek or brook. Instead a bucket of water is what I have.

A bucket of water, a wash cloth and a spray bottle. I fill the spray bottle with water and mist my arms, legs, face, and chest. Ah a bit of relief. Then, I dunk my cloth in the bucket and quickly splash water over me.

First I squeeze water on my head to help cool down my brain. Then I dunk the cloth again and put the wash cloth on my chest for a while. My chest requested cooling when I started overheating. It's at this point that I take a drink from my filtered water bottle. In a few minutes I dip my towel again and place it directly on my back.

Ah, already I feel my body cooling down. Once again, I leave the towel there for a few minutes. During this whole process the spray bottle has not been forgotten. Mists of water is constantly being sprayed on me while I fan myself with a hand fan.

Oh, when will this heat end?

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this story while battling an extremely warm temp.
